Italian Witchcraft - Raven Grimassi
Covencraft - Amber K
The Witches Guide to Faery Folk - Edain McCoy
The Sabbats - Edain McCoy
To Ride a Silver Broomstick - Silver Ravenwolf
A Witch Alone - Marian Green
Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham
To Stir A Magick Cauldron - Silver Ravenwolf
Inside a Witch's Coven - Edain McCoy
Tree Wisdom - Jacqueline Memory Paterson
Wiccan Mysteries - Raven Grimasi
To Light a Sacred Flame - Silver Ravenwolf
Drawing Down the Moon - Margot Adler.  I consider this a must-read for the history of the craft and paganism in America.  (This is a long read and is on Audible now which makes it much easier.  I highly recommend this book)


There are of course many many other books on the subject.  I recommend you explore and find what else is out there as more books have been added lately that are not in my library yet.

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